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Thursday, November 19, 2009


First off before we get started I would like to thank the folks over at IAMTHETREND for being awesome and showing off my new OMUNKY tee, Candy Bars in Flight. You can watch the video here. They talked a little before showing the shirt so if you would like to skip that and see the OMUNKY tee conversation, it is at around 10:13 into the video.

I would also like to thank Bo over at Loving This Tee for her fabulous write up of OMUNKY's Harry Hippo shirt. I would much rather read an article on my shirts that has some heart put into it, than to see someone just copy and paste my shirt descriptions into their blog.

So I am loving the attention OMUNKY is getting lately. When you first start out an online clothing company, at least in my opinion, you feel very alone out there in the world wide web. You set up these stat counters to monitor how many people are actually visiting your site, and it makes you sad when you realize not many people know you or your brand exist. I'm sure this is pretty standard with a lot of new brands.

But now the time has come where OMUNKY is receiving the attention it deserves! People are writing about it, posting links and it is wonderful. The best part of my day is when I wake up and check my internet (I am not rushing to my computer peoples, I use my phone!), and find that I have received mail from a random person telling me he/she digs my designs and to keep it up. I just want to let everyone know that I read every single piece of email that is sent to me and that I appreciate your comments =)

I am just finishing up the design for December's tee, and I am very happy with the way it turned out. I love everyone of my designs for different reasons and I think this new one will be very popular. In terms of design skill, I think my raccoon shirt tops the others. It just had more detail in it and the shadows and highlights were top notch in my book. This new design will take that concept to the next level. It contains more scenery than my last shirt and will be available on the 1st of December!

Well Thanksgiving is on the way and that means "Black Friday" will soon follow. OMUNKY is not sending out discount codes or coupons for this "special" occasion. Instead, allow me to treat you to FREE SHIPPING! That's right, no matter where you are from, head to the OMUNKY store on 11/27 and pick up an OMUNKY tee or belt!

Aren't you blog readers lucky.... You get to find out about this long before I tell any of my other social media followers...haha!

Well that is all for now, I hope you enjoyed this read!

ta ta


Friday, November 6, 2009

Web Hits

Hello all!

So I am starting to get some attention from the web. Tshirt bloggers and reviewers are starting to talk about OMUNKY and it is wonderful!

Recently I have started to do a lot of OMUNKY publicity, contacting various t shirt people and telling them about my new brand. As a result, OMUNKY has been featured on some great sites. Here are a few examples:

Coty Gonzales



I just wanted to take the time to thank the t-shirt guys out there. With your interest, OMUNKY is able to grow and that means more tees for everyone to enjoy!

On another note, I have been doing some thinking regarding OMUNKY's future. I would eventually like to expand my clothing line and offer my customers more than just tees and belts. I would like to hear your opinion on this matter. Tell me what you would like to see OMUNKY get into. Post a comment or two below and tell me what you think!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Moving on up

Hello all, and welcome to November! It is almost 2010...ahh!!! Where did the year go?

This actually really excites me. I get chills for a few seconds thinking about what new and wonderful things OMUNKY will be involved in next year. This indie store has grown so much in the last few months, I wonder what next year will bring?

So it hasn't snowed yet in New York, and I can't remember if it is supposed to. I have been in Florida for the last few years so I don't know when to expect the first snowfall; feel free to let me know in the comment section. I will probably move back next year, that is pending OMUNKY of course.

 There are pros and cons to living in FL instead of NY. My girlfriend is there, and it would be nice to see her more often. FL has wonderful weather most of the year, but the summer months are brutal! You really have to tone down your body movements during those months, because if you think too hard, you sweat! I like watching the seasons change in NY, but it is just too darn expensive here, and a bit strange to own a t-shirt company during the winter months. I really have to do some serious thinking about what location I would like to end up in. Anyone have any thoughts on North Carolina?

Anyways, on to OMUNKY! We have a new shirt out for the month of November, and it is called "Candy Bars in Flight," about a Raccoon and the lengths he will travel to try and catch his favorite chocolate bar. To read the full story behind the shirt, visit the site here.

This shirt is printed on a black 100% organic cotton tee and is available in  mens, womens, and long-sleeve sizes! It is the first OMUNKY tee to be 100% American-made; I have upgraded the quality of my OMUNKY tees. This shirt looks and feels better on the wearer. I think I will be using this manufacturer from now on.

I have also added Ladies X-Small to my size options for this shirt, as well as to the MUNKY Tree, our last month's tee. I discovered this problem last month when I noticed not a lot of young women were buying my tees. After my sister tried on one of my women's sizes, I noticed that even the small sizes were just not tight enough to really appeal to the shirts girls wear these days. I have sent one of my x-smalls to my girlfriend's house in FL so that she can test the size for me.

Here is another excerpt from 365 Ways To Save The Earth by Phillipe Bourseiller:

"Switch off your television and computer.

The average American household now watches 8 hours of television daily, and television uses 55 to 90 watts per hour. One computer left on all day for a year releases 1,500 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Even "sleep" mode does not save as much energy as simply turning the computer off. Screen savers are also deceptive, for they do not save energy.

Plug all of your computer equipment into a single surge-protector for easy shut-down. And don't forget to turn off your desk lamp!" (11,1)

Whenever I know I am going to be away from my home office for over 2 hours, I shut my computer off. Leaving your computer in sleep mode is great for when you want to leave for a little and then come back to the same open windows and programs. But if you are going to be gone for a considerable amount of time, such as to go to work or to a friend's house, shut your beast off! It is just a small way of showing your concern for the world around you.

Thanks so much, MUNKY-heads, for keeping up with my blog and monitoring the progress of my company. I look forward to presenting even more crazy ideas for you to wear in the future. Ta ta!

Source: Bourseiller, Philippe. 365 Ways to Save the Earth. Paris; Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2005.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Halloween is upon us.

Halloween is my favorite of all the commercialized holidays. One of my favorite things to do is to decorate the house, and turn it into something spooky. It is my feeling that if you are too scared to approach my house, you do not deserve to have any of my delicious candy. Those brave few who muster up the courage to walk past the glowing pumpkin heads, who ignore the frightening sounds coming from my speakers (100% original Halloween sounds fyi),who can ascend the few steps to reach my door, thus making it through the smoke and spider webs, well they are the ones who get to munch on my assortment of mini chocolate bars and skittles.

Sadly, I will be working this Halloween, and not on OMUNKY. I mean let's be realistic, did you think OMUNKY could support me after only a few months, oh I wish good sir, I wish...

I will be working at my "other job" on Halloween, but its ok. They are having a huge party which I will attend when I am done. It should be fun, and I look forward to showing everyone what I am dressed as this year.

So, as for OMUNKY business, we are having a SAAALLLLEEE!!! That's right, starting today until the first of November, get a sweet discount on OMUNKY apparell. Plus, check out the redesigned Halloween site.

Thats is all for now, hope everyone enjoys their holiday.

See you in November!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, there is no way around it. The temperature is dropping, winter is coming...

This puts OMUNKY in an interesting predicament. How does a company that sells primarily short sleeve tees adapt to the colder climate?

Well, I'm glad you asked! The answer is simple, create a poll, and let you guys decide!

What would you like to see made available? Do you think sweatshirts with OMUNKY designs on them are the way to go, or would you prefer long sleeve tees? Do you rock short sleeve shirts no matter what time of year it is? Well let me know!

Simply use the poll below to tell me how you feel. Rank the items listed from the ones you would love to have (1) to those you could do without (4).

For those of you who wish to contact me directly to discuss this, feel free to use the contact form on OMUNKY's website. You can access it here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hello October!

Ahh, anyone else like watching the leaves change? Anyone? Hello?

What's happening MUNKY-Heads! Are you read to hear some great news? We have a new OMUNKY t-shirt available!

MUNKY Tree. Yup that's the name. Nothing crazy for this month, just a cool looking t-shirt with a monkey sitting next to a tree. Of course it is so much more than that! This shirt is for all of you who have to take a time out from life. This is your private little spot, where you can just get away from all the trials and tribulations that life throws your way.

This shirt is printed on very soft 100% organic cotton! It comes in a cool color called City Green. Its darker than Army Green but lighter than Forrest Green.

Also, since you guys have been so awesome in regards to OMUNKY, its time to announce a special sale! Both Joe MUNKY and The OMUNKY Brand tee are now available for only $20! That's right, now you can own a piece of OMUNKY history. Take home the two original shirts that started it all!

I will add a personal blog post later this week, but for right now I am swamped...ahhhh!!!!

Later Peeps...


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Moving forward.

Hello all, how have things been on your end?

Well, thanks for asking. Ever since I launched the Getaway Gorilla tee, OMUNKY has had steady sales. I understand the company is very new, but when you go from selling a couple of shirts a week to a few a day, its nice.

I have already finished the design of my October tee, and I have to say I am getting extremely happy with the direction this company and its clothing are going. This new shirt (no name yet) takes a lot of cues from the Getaway shirt in terms of style and presentation etc. It will also be printed on an organic cotton t-shirt, just like Gabe! I have decided to only print single color, transparent designs on the recycled cotton tees. Since this shirt will feature at least 2 colors, I have to go organic.

Also, I have set up an OMUNKY newsletter that I will use to tell everyone about new tees and promotions. If you have not subscribed to the mailing list you may do so here.

I would like to add another passage from 365 Ways To Save The Earth by Phillipe Bourseiller:

"Do not let the children play with water. It seems to us so natural that our taps deliver clean water that we assume it is a lifetime guarantee to everyone. This is not the case. Every morning, millions of people walk several miles to collect the water that is essential to meet their modest needs. The average African woman walks more than 3.5 miles per day to obtain water for her family-or the equivalent of a marathon every week" (5,22).

Well that is all for this post. Visit the website to check out our slight makeover! Peace!

Source: Bourseiller, Philippe. 365 Ways to Save the Earth. Paris; Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2005.